
Educational Studies in Mathematics special issue on gestures

Rather than post all articles individually, here are a batch of linked articles on gestures and embodied mathematics, published in Educational Studies in Mathematics.

Introduction: beyond words
L. Radford, L. Edwards and F. Arzarello

Gestures as semiotic resources in the mathematics classroom
Ferdinando Arzarello, Domingo Paola, Ornella Robutti and Cristina Sabena

Why do gestures matter? Sensuous cognition and the palpability of mathematical meanings
Luis Radford

Gestures and conceptual integration in mathematical talk
Laurie D. Edwards

Working with artefacts: gestures, drawings and speech in the construction of the mathematical meaning of the visual pyramid
Michela Maschietto and Maria G. Bartolini Bussi

Mathematical imagination and embodied cognition
Ricardo Nemirovsky and Francesca Ferrara

Bodily experience and mathematical conceptions: from classical views to a phenomenological reconceptualization
Wolff-Michael Roth and Jennifer S. Thom

What’s all the fuss about gestures? A commentary
Anna Sfard

Embodied multi-modal communication from the perspective of activity theory
Julian Williams

Building intellectual infrastructure to expose and understand ever-increasing complexity
James Kaput